Paul's biggest dream as a missionary was to be awarded the crown of Righteousness and be appreciated for the service he rendered faithfully and in full for the Kingdom of God. He knew that a racer couldn't be awarded halfway through the race. Sam and Pat Dzobo both understood this concept and adopted it when they responded to the missionary call in 1993. After completing his Theological education between 1990 and 1993, he and his wife moved to the then virgin land to start planting churches among the Nchumburungs and Kokombas. By God’s grace, after 30 years of God’s faithfulness and empowerment, they have come to the end of their active missionary life. Although over 40 churches were started, Currently, 21 are under his care. Over 1500 people have been baptized, 4 pastors raised, and many elders, deacons, and deaconess support them in the work. Sam also serves as the Short-term Missions Coordinator and Project Coordinator for the Ghana Christian Mission.
Today is dedicated to celebrating Sam and Pat for their selfless dedication to God and the Ghana Christian Mission over thirty years. We could not be prouder of their service and commitment to raising leaders and leading many to Christ. Join us to celebrate these pacesetters and exceptional missionaries for their service to God.
Congratulations Pastor Sam and Mrs Pat Dzobo. May God Bless you and say unto you ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’
GCM also thanks all of you whose prayer, encouragement, Visit, support, and donations made this possible. Continue to pray and support us as we faithfully discharge our duties to see many come to the Lord.

Prayer Points:
Thank God for a successful four-week trip for Enoch, Lydia, and Wisdom to the US to visit partners and attend the International Conference On Missions (ICOM).
Thank God for 80 people who were baptized in October and November.
Thank God for over 4000 people treated in the clinics in October.
Pray for the tribal conflict to end and peace to reign among the Achodes and Adeles.
Pastor Sampson Darko
We are grateful to the Lord Jesus Christ for how far He had brought us. The enemy planned to destroy lives by setting up a tribal war in Nkwanta and its area.
As result, one of the deacons lost his uncle in Nkwanta and a lot of properties were destroyed by the by the aggrieved parties and houses demolished.
The Akyodes in my village are planning to attack the Challas.
We are persuading them to let peace prevail; support us with prayers.
Pray for the churches in Nkwanta its environs.
Pray for our schools – they have closed all schools, including ours.
We are not able to go to church on Sundays because of the violence.
Attached are some pictures from Gyatokura and Keri churches and effect of the conflict.

Pastor Paul Akuteye
The month of October was very challenging. By the Grace of God, we were able to sail through successfully. To God be the glory.
Since the month of April 2023, when we came back from the annual convention held in Kintampo in the Brong Ahafo region of Ghana, God has brought revival into the three campuses.
Our numbers have increased the number of people who attend the evening Bible & Prayer sessions are now more than the number of people who report for our Sunday morning services. Our time of meeting which was 9am to 12pm has also been changed from 8am to 11am.
We were blessed to have Dr. and Mrs. Nelson from America who visited the church on 17th October, 2023 to meet with the elder of the church. It was very refreshing. They promised to pray with us for God to come to our aid and help us to complete the roofing of our only auditorium in Kumasi, which is located at Odoum.
We are grateful to Dr. and Mrs. Nelson for the great partnership and love that was shown during their visit to the church in Kumasi. May God richly bless them for the seed that they came to show during their visit. We know that this partnership will yield fruits.
I request for your prayer support for financial breakthrough for all our sponsors, pastors, elders and all church workers.
Pastor Yeboah Ernest Junior
We appreciate the love and mercy of God in Christ Jesus, towards us, our families, the entire Garu community and its surrounding communities. For God is good and His mercy endures forever in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Evangelism, follow-ups, discipleship, Bible teaching, Bible study, prayer meetings and other church activities are still ongoing.
Our prayers to God are that, He would add souls to His Church, while we continue evangelism and fellowships.
We ask for your prayer support for us, to be strengthened to do the kingdom work of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
Pastor John Kpormegbe
I trust you and your family are doing well. Please, join me thank God for a successful month. Our profound gratitude to all partners, donors and sponsors both in Ghana and abroad for their support and prayers. We continue to appreciate Ghana Christian Mission and Plainfield Christian Church for their hard work.
Banda Christian Churches wish to thank God and all of you who have prayed for us to have a fruitful month. We baptized seven (7) souls this month to the glory of God. Please, may you keep them in your prayers for them to grow and also invite their friends and families as well.
The place of worship for our children has become a problem, especially in the Raining Season. And we deemed it as our first priority to build a pavilion for our beloved Sunday School Children since, they are our future leaders. There is already an Aluminum Sheet, we bought nails and raised Ghc 1000 which is about 100 dollars and still trying to catch up with the rest of Ghc2000 which is about 200 US dollars.
Prayer Requests
· We need your prayer support to help this agenda to help irradicate the challenge of having services under trees.
· Secondly, we need your prayer support for our new branches - Jama Nkwanta Church and Banda Buya, we need their growth in truth and in number. They are strictly into idolatry and believe in the traditional system.

Ernest Nyador – Akplale Church
The Lord is good to my family and I. He is still leading and directing my family, ministry and I.
The month of October was very eventful with evangelism, baptisms, and a seminar.
GROWING THE LOCAL CHURCH seminar was held in our chapel. Other church leaders from Jetorkoe and Wormenyi were beneficiaries.
Many have requested that we hold frequent seminars.

To God be all the glory for the great things He has done. Many are the positive things that happened. There were negatives too, but we believe that both the good and the bad work for them that love the Lord.
Baptism: one person was baptized at Moatong. There was also a naming of a new baby, as an addition to His church.
Challenges: Part of the church’s building was pulled down by the heavy rains. We lost a child at Moatong church. Please keep the family in prayer.
My family I were not spared, we had our share of challenges. Our investment worth more than ten thousand was destroyed in a single night. On the evening of 9th October, we released our sheep to feed as we usually do, but several of them were killed through poisoning by an unknown person.
My family, especially our children who saw that happened feel very unsafe and we are considering a relocation for them. Please continue to pray for us and church.
Our pastor Christopher Adjei and family in Togo are working in a very distressing condition; they can barely feed three times a day. He is not able to work in the field due to his age and poor health. Keep them and the ministry in your prayers.

Pastor Christopher Adjei & family in Togo
Pastor Samuel Dzobo
Greetings to you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. By the mercies and the power of God all the members and leaders in the Pistis family at Borae District are all faring well.
The following activities were possible by the intervention of God:
•The Chenderi Pistis Christian church, under the leadership of Pastor Lazarus Lengi in the Borae District, embarked on a three-day revival, held from the 28th to 30th October.
By the grace of God, the program was very successful. During the program, three (3) persons rededicated their lives to Christ and four souls received Christ as well. Also, the sick was healed and this brought a great spiritual awakening in the lives of the members in the church.
•12 souls received Christ and were immersed in water on the 27th of October, 2023 at the Ayigbe Akura zone.
•In the Nandi Akura Assembly under the leadership of Pastor Gabriel Amen (who oversees the Dambai Christian Church and four assemblies which includes Nandi Akura), five (5) souls were baptized at the Nandi Akura assembly.
Burial/ Funerals
•Papa Usue Jacob was a dedicated member of the Mempeasem No.2 assembly. It is by the help of Papa Usue Jacob that Pistis Christian Church was established in that village. Papa Usue Jacob was a fetish priest and was well known by the community and had 37 gods. He encountered Christ through a pastor named Jido Philip at the Saboba District. Pastor Jido Philip then introduced him to Pastor Samuel Dzobo. Pastor Samuel Dzobo led him to Christ and he was baptized at the Lagen River.
Papah Usue Jacob served faithfully in the church for about 17 years.
On the 7th of July 2023, Papa Usue Jacob went to be with the Lord. May his soul rest in peace
•The Borae central church building project is left with plastering, fixing of glass windows, flooring with tiles and painting. This project begun in the year 2017 and by the grace of God and the help of the local church and FAME Ghana, it has reached this stage.
•Ayigbe Akura assembly building project: the project begun early last year. The project has reached the plastering, flooring with cement and painting stages.
•The wonando assembly old auditorium had a big crack in it and the church feared to worship in it. The local leaders then planned to bring it down and build a new one. By the grace of God, the project is ongoing and has reached plastering and flooring stage.
Prayer Request
•Help us praise the Lord for the successful burial service of our beloved father Papa Usue Jacob in the district. So many members, far and near, attended the burial. God protected and granted us all traveling mercies back to our various destinations.
•We also need your prayers for the 12 souls immersed in water at Ayigbe Akura zone, and the 5 souls immersed at Nandi Akura assembly. Pray that they will grow and become deeply rooted in Christ Jesus.
•Pray for the completion of the various projects and that the heart of many will be touched to help in kind or cash to help bring them all to completion.

12 souls immersed at Ayigbe Akura zone
Pastor Paul Lawson
Praise God for all his goodness and care.
We are still on our journey with our Lord in our communities. Some of our youth went into the Chakali community to support 2 of our young missionaries: Pastor Matthew and Pastor Abraham. The move was to share the good news of our Lord. Gradually all the communities that have been cut off by the flood are now accessible.
Let's continue to pray and intercede for pastors in the difficult areas.
May God bless all of us.
Pastor Bismark Kassata
Let praise God for his kindness and blessings for us all.
By grace, we are doing well here in the Ntrubo area.
We request you to kindly pray for the church leadership to be more committed to the work of God both morally and spiritually.
My wife and I need your prayers for our children to be free from falling sick every month so that the support we get financially will be used to pay their school fees and to feed the family. One of our children, Prince, fell sick and when we sent him to the hospital the doctor gave me a referral to the municipal hospital. Upon receiving the note, we only resolved to prayer as the cost became unbearable. We prayed and the Lord answered our prayer.
Join us thank him for the healing and help me to commit my family into the hands of the Lord.
We also request you to kindly provide us with a borehole for good drinking water as requested in the previous report. It will surprise you to know that when the rains are over, it will be quite expensive to get good drinking water.
Despite the above mentioned, the Lord has blessed us and we are thankful to Him so much.
My family and I request you to thank God for the peace we are enjoying in the Ntrubo area.
We also want you to join us that God because anytime we call on him to heal the sick, he immediately does that for us
We do appreciate your commitment to supporting us both financially and spiritually.
God bless you beyond measure.
Pastor Daniel Liwamor
The favor of God is always active on my side and He has done it again for the month of October.
I want to thank Almighty God for the life of my family throughout the month, we lived peacefully throughout the month.
Secondly, myself and some of my leaders have taken the first step towards one of the new communities we want to start a new church – hopefully by the close of the year. We were there to show Jesus’ film and the attendance was great so we need your prayers support.
Thirdly, the mission fund given to support Bakamba Church Project has been used for the down flowing of Bombari Church building. But later will be refunded back to Bakamba by next year.
Prayer Request
The name of the new community is Kachinke. We need your prayers support to succeed.
Here are some pictures of the activities.

Pastor Francis Addae
Greetings from Salaga to you all. By the grace of God, we are all doing fine.
By the grace of God our journey to our hometown for my late brother's funeral was successful.
As usual, we need your prayer support for my family Especially my wife since in every 3 months there is review. Coming 20th of November there is a review to attend therefore, remember us in your prayers.
We are very grateful to the Lord and continue to ask for his presence and protection over my family and the ministry.
There may be some travel to Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) for the burial of one of our members who died at Abelekora in Salaga Area.
Four of our beneficiary communities who live along the Lake Volta our communities were severely affected by the flood – losing both their homes and source of livelihood to the flood; please remember them in prayers.
In order to ensure the good work in His vineyard, we are asking to support us to solve these challenges:
1. Motorcycle to visit the communities to discharge our duties.
2. Aid for the Salaga Temple Building
3. Helping our churches who have their services under tress to have at least a pavilion.
May God strengthen our donors and management team to work to improve Fame facilities.
May God bless all the staff – both healthcare providers and evangelists.

Pastor Ernest Yeboah Junior, Fame Clinic – Benwoko
Our continuous offering of gratitude goes to God, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, from the bottoms of our hearts.
Clinical activities and devotions are still in progress. All staff are cooperative in devotion and all clinical activities for the wellbeing of our patients, which brings glory and honor to our Lord, Jesus Christ.
We appreciate all support and supply of medicines to Benwoko Fame clinic. We ask for solar power, because we have daily power outages which interrupt our works. It our prayer to God to supply all needs for Fame Ghana management to help the clinic to be more efficient in serving our patients’ wellbeing in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
Ernest Nyador, Fame Clinic – Akplale
The love and mercy of God led us through October successfully.
Clinical activities are ongoing with devotions.
The lack of enthusiasm on part of the staffs is still persisting.
I am still suggesting that the number of staff be reduced. Some work for only two or three days in the week, increasing the redundancy in the facility.
Meanwhile, major renovation works are progressing to provide more accommodations to staff.
We need His guidance and protection in November as well.
Pastor Paul Lawson
Praise to the Perfect Healer for His mercy and grace upon us.
The clinics have done a lot in terms of saving lives in the community. I assisted some patients through prayers and the sharing of the good news of our Savior Jesus. We also meet on a regular basis to improve the work.
We pray for another blessed month.
Pastor Felix Nsejamesi
We give praises to God; thirteen souls have received baptism today at Agbajokura – pray for their spiritual growth.

Pastor Ernest Nyador
Ophilia and Eyram were baptized by immersion today.
Kindly pray for their stability.
