Paul Tevi serves with GCM in Yzesi and Loagri in northern Ghana.
The following is Paul's latest report from the mission field. Please join us in thanking God and asking for his continued work:
“Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically. Rejoice in your confident hope, be patient in trouble, and keep on praying.”
Romans 12:11-12
My wife, Rita, and I are giving thanks to God for the abundance of His grace in our life here in the Overseas (interior northern Ghana). We went through some health challenges. But He has been good for us and our families as well.
A team of four members led by brother James from Ghana Fellowship of Evangelical Students visited us in Loagri, Sohou, and Yezesi. The purpose is to interact with their members deployed in our area but also to see how we can work efficiently as a team promoting God's kingdom. Through internal fundraising, we were able to send back to school two of our members who were facing some financial challenges.
Through prayers, fasting, and encouragement madam Tozou under serious mental depression recovered. Two new converts joined the church.
Brother Isaiah and sister Diana from Ghana Fellowship of Evangelical Students are still giving serious help to the churches in the overseas.
Very soon will be open a Vocational Training Centre here in Yezesi. We have started the last phase of the construction. We are thanking again Fame Ghana and all our donors for their support, prayers, and encouragement.
Praying to meet the entire body of Pistis in the next Easter convention.