Most of us can relate to the continuous need for transportation. We all must get to work, school, and church on a regular basis. We have the advantage of generally good roads and comparably short distances to travel.
But for the ongoing work in Ghana, solid, well-built pickup trucks with higher road clearance and 4-wheel drive capability are a must to accomplish the ministry! For any of you who have been to Ghana, or seen pictures, you know the roads outside the city can scarcely be called roads—but rather rut-filled dirt trails.
The trucks are used in multiple ways—from getting supplies to the 7 rural medical clinics and many churches to carrying new converts to be baptized and taking ministry staff to visit and encourage the church planters in remote places. The two current trucks have served well, but at a rate of nearly 30,000 miles a year on those rut-filled roads, and several years of use, they are badly in need of replacement!
A generous donor has offered us an amazing opportunity to maximize your impact! Dollar for dollar, your donation to the Ministry Truck Project will be matched up to $10,000! WOW, we thank God for this opportunity and prayerfully ask you to join us in fulfilling this urgent need. Do twice the good with your generous donation now.
As always, you can mail a check to GHANA CHRISTIAN MISSION, 800 Dan Jones Road, Plainfield, IN 46168.
You can give online.
Be sure to indicate that your donation should go to this special Ministry Truck Fund. We’ll keep you updated on how God answers our prayers through YOU!